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What do we mean with Off-Market?
We are specialised in ‘off-market properties’, which means that the properties we offer to our investors are not widely published.
This is what our investors are looking for.
We inform investors first about properties without giving the exact details. And in case of interest we will request the signing of a Non Disclosure Agreement to guarantee confidentiality.
This is what our local property contacts want.
Direct contact
We will establish direct contact between investors and local owners.
This in such way, that the market, competitors or business relations will not know without your permission about your plans, interests and investments.
With us, you will be able do get informed and to deal fast.
Your advantage
We know the specific issues of Spain where foreign investors lose time and money. We want our clients to avoid these, so you can enter both faster in business and we will have both more succes.
We have the best local contacts with property owners in the most interesting regions in Spain.
We deliver top opportunities to top investors.
Shall we work together?
If you have any question, plan, project or if you are interested in the properties we have for sale in Spain:
Click here and send us your plans or questions
Contact us
We will answer you within one working day
No costs