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Best contacts in Spain

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Direct access to the best properties in Spain

The big advantage of working with us is that we get our properties and investment opportunities from the very private confidential counselors of the direct owners.

The owners are mostly rich families but might need liquidities (‘cash’).

The direct contact persons usually are the lawyers, accountants, friends of the owners or persons who know those families and these families know them.

Direct contact with owners

The owners want in first stage not being themselves to explain to others that they need to sell a property because they need ‘liquidities’ (in practide: ‘they really need money to save other properties or interests’).

But if we present our investors, they will receive you.

Your advantage

We have the best local contacts with property owners in the most interesting regions in Spain.

We deliver top opportunities to top investors.

We will give you direct contact.

Shall we work together?

If you have any question, plan, project or if you are interested in the properties we have for sale in Spain:

Click here and send us your plans or questions

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We will answer you within one working day

No costs

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